Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, do initiate a chat with us and we will reply to you within 24 hrs.

    • What is the purpose of your platform?

      We help you match with a dev agency or Fractional CTO based upon your requirements.

    • How do you match?

      We use proprietary AI algorithms to learn about your requirements and match with the agencies with the likelyhood of your project getting completed and launched. There are other factors such as time, experience, team, technology etc. too that are assessed.

    • Does your job end after matching?

      No we assign a project manager who will be with you throughout the project. His/Her job is to understand requirements, draft a BRD in the language that technical people understand, scope out various use cases and always keep business and technical people aligned towards successful delivery.

    • What all tech stacks you support?

      We support many tech stacks. We have handpicked experts in those tech stacks across the world.

    • Do you have No Code and Low Code experts on your platform?

      Yes we do have no and low code experts for web apps like Bubble, Softr, Adalo, Stacker, DirectUs to mobile apps like FlutterFlow, Glide, Thunkable etc.

    • Will we get the source code of the app or solution?

      Yes of course. This is not a licensing platform unless explicitly mentioned by your project manager. You will own all rights of the solution developed for you.

    • What are payment terms?

      Each project is divided into milestones and the invoice will be raised as soon as milestone is completed and approved by you.

    • Can I cancel the project midway?

      Yes you can but you will be liable to pay all due invoices till the point project milestone is completed. For eg: Suppose work has reached 50%, then 50% payment has to be done.

    • What's the Money Back Guarantee?

      We have milestones to protect your money. But we also provide Moneyback Guarantee if at any milestone the product is not as per scope you signed and approved.

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