We build great products 📱


At Build Joy, our mission is to empower founders, startups and enterprises by providing access to great tech talent.

We understand that you cannot have every skill under one company or the skill at your location is expensive. That's why we have created an AI-powered platform to match tech projects with the right development agencies and fractional CTOs.

We think software development project should be as easy as spinning a server on AWS or Digital Ocean. You can track progress, check status, communicate, give feedback and keep on creating new projects within the same dashboard.

Meet The Founder

Hi, I'm Narayan Chaudhary, the founder of Build Joy. With over 12 years of experience in the industry, I have worked in various roles such as software engineer, product manager and engineering manager.

Currently, I am the CTO of Monak, a fintech app for borderless bank accounts. Throughout my career, I have worked across sectors including eCommerce, SaaS, Fintech, Banking, Consumer Goods, Enterprise, and Supply Chain Management.

Our Inspiration

During my time as a fractional CTO, I encountered founders who were discouraged by the poor quality of their existing unfinished products by some dev agency. Few were on the verge of dropping their idea altogether.

This led me to create Build Joy, a platform that bridges the gap between startup founders, enterprise people and skilled team to realise their idea.


Build Joy leverages AI technology to match tech projects with the most suitable development agencies and fractional CTOs. By doing so, we ensure that founders and entrepreneurs have access to top-notch talent and can turn their ideas into successful products.

We have established strong connections with dev agencies and fractional CTOs through our years of working with them thus enabling us to provide the best resources for each project.

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